8 Websites Selling Fake Designer Bags & Reasons Behind Their Trade | IgniteSupplyChain

Fake Designer Bags

The business world has always been troubled by counterfeits and replicas. The fact that such goods account for 3.3% of global trade is revealed in the OECD’s 2019 report, which provides context for the scope of this issue. People frequently use the terms “counterfeit” and “replica” interchangeably, even though there is a significant distinction between the two.

Difference between fake and replicas:

When a seller sells something making the buyer believe that it is an original product, it is a fake or counterfeit product. The seller doesn’t sell them in the name of the original products. They are sold as identical to the original one.
They have an exact trademark, labeling, and packaging as the original product. Their trademark, packaging, and labeling are similar to the original brand, but not identical. You can easily distinguish between the two.
Through fakes, the seller intends to deceive the buyer. Replicas do not intend to deceive the buyer. They only fulfill the desire of having branded products at lower prices.
Selling fake goods is illegal. Selling replicas is not illegal.

Why Do People Buy Replica or Fake Bags?

In today’s modern society, we all want to make a fashion statement by using expensive clothing and accessories. One of the most widely used replica products around the world is ‘Fake Designer Bags.’ Since, the original bags and accessories cost pretty high, sometimes as high as a person’s monthly salary or even much more than that. It is difficult for everyone to afford the original designer bags.

But, many people can’t resist having such famous designer bags, so they go for the replicas. Replicas are very affordable and sometimes they can mirror the original product.

5 Most Expensive Handbags In The World

Selling Fake Designer Bags by ignitesupplychain

Let us first discuss some of the most famous and expensive designer bags in the world and what made them so famous.

1.Marc Jacobs

Marc Jacobs is a well-known brand for high-quality fashion accessories. Their specialized “Carolyn Crocodile” handbag is one of the most expensive handbags in the world. Although they may not appear exclusive, their pieces demonstrate that they are able to compete with major global brands not only in terms of price but also in terms of exceptional quality and rarity.

Their handbags are made of patent crocodile skin and are estimated to cost £21,000 ($30,000). It is available in a quilted blue or purple pattern that looks like tie-dye. The chosen color is guided through a variety of different tints and hues on each individual panel to create an unforgettable effect.

2.Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton is known for pushing the limits with excessive oddball assortments and momentous ideas which have changed the sense of designs in the fashion industry. They have a brand image of creating clean, innovative, and recognizable designs which are hard to get anywhere else.

It has produced only 20 of the Frankenstein-like collector’s handbags and has never repeated the edition, and each of these luxury bags costs £29,000 ($42,000) and included a collection of various iconic Louis Vuitton styles. When it came out in 2007, people had different opinions because some people thought it was “the ugly handbag in the world.” However, it was no surprise that they all sold out quickly. Louis Vuitton deserves praise for their boldness on this occasion for their attention to detail and homage to some outstanding designs.

3. Chanel

Chanel is another luxurious brand that people crave to have. The Chanel ‘Precious Stone Everlastingly’ handbag is a piece that quickly comes into view. The handbag, of which only 13 were made worldwide in 2007, features 18-carat white gold, a body made of white alligator skin, and 334 diamonds that weigh an incredible 3.56 carats. The masterpiece commands a price tag of £183,000 (or $261,00), making it one of the most sought-after handbags ever produced.

For something with somewhat less ‘bling’ the Chanel ‘Croc Biarritz’, a tote bag made only from the black crocodile exotic leather, is one more outstanding piece from the French stalwart which is somewhat more unobtrusive. There were only eight made, and the sleek design makes it a very durable piece of everyday accessories for the price of £30,000 (about $43,150).

4. Judith Lieber

Her extravagant designs, most notably her “Cupcake Minaudiere” accessory, which was featured in the Sex & The City movie, have earned her a reputation for being as expensive as they are recognizable. Lieber is known for being exclusive because it operates from just four boutiques in India, Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia.

The one-of-a-kind “Precious Rose” handbag, which is so ornate it would look better in a gallery than on an arm, was one of the pieces that caught the attention of the media and captured the imagination of handbag enthusiasts all over the world. The decorated rose costs £64,000 ($92,000). It has 800 tourmalines, 1169 pink sapphires, and 1016 diamonds that weigh 42.56 carats each.

5. House of Mouwad

The “1001 Nights Diamond Purse” was created in 2011 by the House of Mouwad. Mouwad holds the Guinness World Record for the most expensive handbag in history. It was made by ten artisans who took over 8,800 hours. The heart shape pack is presently esteemed at a cosmic and honestly absurd £1.65 million ($2.35m).

Mouwad’s record-breaker is a sight to behold with a diamond-embellished surface made of a variety of precious metals. It is another item on our list that is probably more beautiful than it is useful. Imagine if you left it in a bar and it leaked inside! It’s nightmare material. We are assuming that this handbag never had a purpose and ought to be on display in an art gallery (which is fair).

So, now we can say that these bags are designed only for princesses or for the most rich people in the world. But, we can’t leave them alone. We want bags like they have. And, so, we don’t have a choice but to buy replicas.

Let us now discuss some of the websites offering high-quality fake designer bags along with every other information you need in this regime.

What information will you have after you finish reading this article?

You would know:

    1. Why should you buy replica designer bags from China?
    2. Wholesale Chinese Websites offering fake designer bags.
    3. Retail Chinese websites offering fake designer bags.
    4. 4 Grades of replica designer bags you should know.
    5. How can you find a trustworthy fake designer bag supplier online?
    6. Why do fake designer bags selling websites have fewer products with little product information?

Why should you buy replica designer bags from China?

China produces nearly 90% of all replica designer bags in the world. Manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and other Chinese suppliers that specialize in replica designer bags can easily be found in China.

China has a long history in the replica designer bag industry. China comprises a complete replica bag chain production. What’s more, the copy pack manufacturing plants are for the most part arranged in Guangdong, Baigou, and Fujian.

The fake designer bags business has grown rapidly in China. Additionally, their craftsmanship is more advanced, and the replica bags they produce today are of a higher quality than they were ten years ago, and they can even compete with genuine bags.

We all know that getting indulged in the business of manufacturing and selling fake designer bags is illegal in China and the rest of the world, then how do Chinese traders succeed in creating such a big market for fake designer bags in the world?

The reason could be that the manufacturing and selling of these replica bags are not carefully examined in China.

As a result, pieces for bags are typically manufactured in large factories, while logos are manufactured in smaller factories before being assembled in covert and small workshops.

In addition, the Guangzhou Baiyun Leatherware Wholesale Market is China’s largest market for replica bags. In this market, there are numerous suppliers of replica designer handbags who can provide you with replica bags of numerous luxury brands and qualities.

Websites Selling Fake Designer Bags In China

There are tons of suppliers and manufacturers selling replica designer bags in China. You can get them either at the wholesale rate when you place an order in bulk. And, there are suppliers who sell limited quantities at retail prices. From these manufacturers and suppliers, you can also buy other products including clothing and accessories like jewelry, watches, shoes, sunglasses, etc. These products are also fake and replicas of other luxurious brands.

Now, let us discuss some of the wholesale websites that sell fake designer bags in bulk in China.

If you want to buy fake designer bags in bulk, you can go for any of these four websites.

  1. Alibaba

    • If you buy from Alibaba, you have to meet a minimum order quantity (MOQ) set by suppliers, which is typically high and hard to lower.
    • In addition, unlike DHgate, the majority of replica bag suppliers on Alibaba do not provide comprehensive product listings in their stores. In most cases, they simply display their brand names or product categories in a picture with only text.
    • Moreover, you can barely find a particular item or top-quality photos of genuine items on the detail page.
    • You must discuss the specifics with them via WeChat, or phone if you want more information.
  2. Global Source

      • If you want to buy fake designer bags in large quantities at amazingly low prices, you can go for Global Sources.
      • The most common MOQ for replica bags on the two platforms is between 300 and 500 units.
      • Although there are some images and videos of the products, none of them feature any bag logos.
      • As a result, you still need to get in touch with the suppliers to find out the specifics.
  3. Made In China

Made In China consists of the same features as Global Source.


    • DHgate doesn’t have any minimum order quantity limit while other websites have an MOQ.
    • DHgate’s website consists of several high-quality images and videos of fake designer handbags on the detail page.
    • The pictures only show the plain bags with no prominent logos.

I would recommend you to buy from DHgate if you want top-quality fake designer bags with minimum hassles.

Retail Websites In China Selling Fake Designer Bags 

Selling Fake Designer Bags by ignitesupplychain

  1. Aliexpress

     Aliexpress comprises the following features;

    1. A large Number of Products: Replica designer bags from a wide range of manufacturers can be found on AliExpress.com, including high-end and luxury brands.
    1. Affordable Pricing: Aliexpress offers replica designer bags at comparatively lower prices compared to other retailers in the market. The lower prices yet the good quality has made it popular among users in a very short time.
    1. Verified Suppliers: AliExpress.com has a verification framework for sellers to guarantee that they are genuine and reliable.
    1. Reviews from Customers: Customers can review and rate sellers and products on AliExpress.com. This component empowers possible purchasers to assess the nature of creator sacks and the trustworthiness of the sellers.
    1. Free Delivery: Customers looking to purchase designer bags without incurring additional shipping costs will find that many of the sellers on AliExpress.com provide free shipping, making the site an affordable alternative.
    1. Secure Payment Options: Customers’ personal and financial information is protected by AliExpress.com’s secure payment options.
    1. Buyer Protection: AliExpress.com offers buyer protection, including a refund policy if a purchase does not meet the customer’s expectations or is delivered in a different way than described. When purchasing replica designer bags from the platform, customers can buy with confidence thanks to this feature.
  1. Replica Store

     The key features of Replica Store are;

    1. Wide Variety of Fake Designer Bags: Replica designer bags modeled after high-end brands may be available in large quantities at the Replica Store.
    1. Low Costs: For those looking for designer styles at lower prices, replica bags are an appealing option because they typically cost significantly less than authentic designer bags.
    1. Low-quality risk: Fake designer bags available at the Replica Store may not guarantee the bag’s quality. You will probably get a low-quality handbag.
    1. Legal Risks: The sale and purchase of fake designer bags is a criminal offense. Engaging in such activities may result in penalties like fines or legal actions.
    1. Lack of Authenticity: Replica bags lack the prestige and quality of authentic designer bags and are not designer bags at all.
    1. There are no assurances: Customers may not have recourse if they receive a product that is unsatisfactory or defective because Replica Store does not offer guarantees or warranties on their products.
  1. Etsy

When it comes to designer bags, Etsy has the following key features:

    1. High-quality Replica Designer Bags: Replica designer bags available on Etsy consists of high-quality materials and are durable. They also comprise hand-made unique designer handbags.
    1. A wide selection of goods: Designer bags from a wide range of brands are available on Etsy, including high-end and luxury brands.
    1. Independent company dealers: On Etsy, a lot of the sellers are small businesses or independent designers, so they can offer customers a more individualized and distinctive shopping experience.
    1. Optional customizations: Some Etsy dealers offer adaptable choices for designer bags, like various varieties, materials, or sizes, permitting clients to customize their purchases.
    1. Reviews from clients: Customers can rate and write reviews about products and sellers on Etsy. This component empowers possible purchasers to assess the nature of designer bags and the dependability of the merchants.
    1. Direct correspondence with merchants: Etsy lets buyers talk directly to sellers, which can be helpful if you want more information about a product or want it customized.
    1. Secure payment choices: In order to safeguard the personal and financial information of its customers, Etsy provides safe payment options such as PayPal and credit cards.
    1. Buyer protection: Etsy offers buyer protection, which includes a refund policy for purchases that do not meet the customer’s expectations or if the product is not delivered as described. This feature provides customers with peace of mind when purchasing designer bags from the platform.
  1. Bestreplicadesignerbags.com 

Online retailer Bestreplicadesignerbags.com focuses on luxury handbags and accessories. In relation to designer bags, the following are some potential key features of the website:

    1. Numerous designer bags to choose from: Bestreplicadesignerbags.com offers a scope of replica designer bags from different extravagant` brands like Prada, and Saint Laurent, etc. including fake designer handbags, shoulder bags, tote bags, etc.
    2. Reasonable costs: Bestreplicadesignerbags.com makes fake designer bags more accessible to a wider range of customers by offering them prices that are lower than those found in traditional retail establishments.
    3. Guarantee of authenticity: Customers will receive authentic designer bags, the website asserts because it promises to guarantee the authenticity of its products.
    4. SecurePayment Options: Customers’ personal and financial information is protected by the website’s secure payment options.

You will encounter a number of issues regardless of how you purchase replica handbags:

1) You can’t pass judgment on the nature of the item from pictures, regardless of how dealers underline the description of their products.

2) Customer service after the sale is not guaranteed. When purchasing fake designer bags from China, transporting costs will represent around 15% of the order cost, and if you need to return the item, delivering costs will be much more costly.

3) Non-transparent methods of payment. The majority of sellers can only accept wire transfers and do not accept credit cards or PayPal because counterfeit goods are illegal. “No refunds is our only purpose for service!” is mostly the seller’s slogan.

4) At last, purchasing designer replica bags in certain areas is unlawful, and you want to figure out local regulations in this context.

“Four Grades of Fake Designer Bags”

An overview of the various grades of replica designer bags that are typically offered for sale in the market.

  1. Grade A Replica Bags:These are the most minimal quality fake designer bags, and they are frequently made with inferior quality materials. Since they are sold at very low prices, they are easily spotted as fake designer bags.
  1. Grade B Replica Bags: Despite being slightly better than grade A replicas, these bags still stand out as distinct from original designer bags. They may be constructed with slightly superior materials and exhibit greater attention to detail, but they still lack authentic bags’ quality and craftsmanship.
  1. Replicas of Grade AA Bags: Replicas of higher quality, these bags are made to look almost exactly like the original designer bags. They are made with better materials and meticulousness, however, they actually have a few minor contrasts from the real handbags.
  1. Fake Bags of Grade AAA: These are replicas of the highest possible quality that are made to look and feel almost exactly like the original designer bags. They are frequently offered at costs that are comparable to those of the original bags and are constructed with the finest materials and attention to detail.

Although these are fake designer bags, it is difficult to distinguish between the original and Grade AAA replica bags.

While purchasing fake designer bags, it is important that you keep in mind the various rules and regulations regarding the trading of counterfeits in different countries which sometimes can have adverse consequences.

It’s likewise vital to know that a few merchants may erroneously publicize their fake designer bags as bona fide, so it’s critical to investigate and possibly buy from legitimate dealers assuming you decide to purchase a replica bag.

How can you find a trustworthy fake designer bag supplier online?

Selling Fake Designer Bags by ignitesupplychain

The business of replica designer bags is complicated. Businesses are engaged in all kinds of counterfeit products like counterfeit shoes, jewelry, watches, etc. None of these businesses are easy and requires a lot of hard work and are associated with a lot of legal risks.

It’s hard to tell if a partner is right for you just by looking at its profile or product images. An LV Neverfull, for instance, could be produced for as little as $30, but it could also cost anywhere from $100 to $150.

If you don’t need a lot of replica bags but just want the same styles, you can get them for anywhere from a few dollars to more than a hundred dollars.

However, the prices will be significantly higher if you want the original materials, leather, accessories, logo printing, and lines in their entirety.

As a result, it’s hard to completely compare a product’s quality to its price. We are unsure whether higher prices indicate superior products. In addition, some replicators may offer the highest quality secondhand goods at affordable prices. So, if you are new in this business, I would recommend that you buy several fake designer bags from different suppliers as samples, compare their quality, prices, etc., and then choose the best supplier.

Based on experience, many factories that make high-quality designer replica bags won’t make products from different brands at the same time. For instance, a factory that focuses on Chanel bags might not make Gucci bags.

However, if you want replica bags of many brands, they can typically acquaint different providers with you, or they will go about as the deal specialists. In fact, in this industry, these suppliers are acquainted with one another.


Because counterfeit goods violate copyright laws, suppliers always use their own special channels for international shipping. They can take care of everything for you, so there’s no need to worry. Generally, these suppliers have sales agents in different countries to protect themselves from any customs or legal issues. For example, virtually all of the small wholesale replica bag suppliers have partnered with factories in China.

Why do fake designer bags selling websites have fewer products with little product information?

The fact that selling replica bags is against the law could be one reason why some online replica bag stores don’t have products or information. The sale and distribution of counterfeit goods, such as replica bags designed to resemble genuine designer bags, are prohibited by law in many nations. In order to avoid being caught and prosecuted for selling illegal goods, sellers of replica bags might try to keep a low profile and limit the information that is available about their products.

Additionally, due to the difficulty of producing replicas of high quality, some replica bag stores may have limited stock.

High-quality materials and excellent skills are required to create replica designer bags. Only then the replica bags will be identical to the original designer bags and not otherwise. But, this is not an easy task and takes a lot of effort and cost.

Thus, some fake designer bag stores might have restricted stock and just proposition a little determination of bags that they are sure they can create to an exclusive expectation.

Besides, some fake designer bag manufacturers might work in an all the more underground or cryptic way, and may not transparently promote their products or give broad data about them to protect themselves from being caught.


If you want to buy fake designer bags, you will get several suppliers that will provide you with different grades of replica bags at low prices. The quality and prices vary from seller to seller and the prices may not promise the quality of the designer replica bags. The sale and purchase of replica bags is a criminal activity in most countries and that is the reason why the online stores selling the fake designer bags have little or no information about the bags they are offering. However, you get in touch with them to know the details of the products they are offering and close a deal. But, before trading in the counterfeits you must be aware that these activities are unethical and illegal and you must refrain from such activities.

Look no further than IgniteSupplyChain for a trustworthy sourcing company. You can trust the sellers you buy from because our platform has a wide selection of products from verified suppliers and a rigorous verification process. We deal in all kinds of products to cater to your individual and business requirements.


  • Is it illegal to wear a fake bag?

According to the United States Department of Justice, it is not illegal to wear a fake bag.

  • Is it illegal to buy fake designer bags from China?

China doesn’t support the trade of fake designer bags. However, it is the largest supplier of fake designer bags in the world.

  • Are replicas illegal in the USA?

Buying and selling replicas is a punishable offense in the USA. They believe that trading in counterfeits hurt the integrity of the original designer and manufacturer.

  • Are replica brands illegal?

The manufacture and sale of replicas is illegal.

  • What is the difference between a replica and a duplicate?

A replica is a copy of an original item, while a duplicate is an exact copy of the original item.